CSS-WC Message objects

Module: dvbcss.protocol.wc

The WCMessage class represents a CSS-WC protocol message.

The Candidate class represents a measurement “candidate” for use by a Wall Clock Client algorithm and is calculated from a WCMessage that represents a Wall Clock protocol response message received from a server.

Example usage

Creating a request message at a Wall Clock Client:

>>> from dvbcss.protocol.wc import WCMessage
>>> import time

>>> t1 = time.time() * 1000000000

>>> msg = WCMessage(msgtype=WCMessage.TYPE_REQUEST, precision=-10, maxFreqError=256*50, originateNanos=t1, receiveNanos=0, transmitNanos=0)
>>> packedMessage = msg.pack()
>>> packedMessage

Processing a received response message at a Wall Clock Client:

>>> from dvbcss.protocol.wc import Candidate

>>> t4 = <nanoseconds-at-which-message-was-received>
>>> msg = WCMessage.unpack(receivedData)
>>> msg.msgtype
>>> c = Candidate(msg, t4)
>>> c.rtt



class dvbcss.protocol.wc.WCMessage(msgtype, precision, maxFreqError, originateNanos, receiveNanos, transmitNanos, originalOriginate=None)[source]

Create object representing a CSS-WC wall clock request or response message.

Initialisation takes the following parameters:

  • precision (int) – Precision (of the server’s wall clock) encoded in log base 2 seconds between -128 and +127 inclusive.
  • maxFreqError (int) – Maximum frequency error (of the server’s wall clock) in units of 1/256ths ppm.
  • originateNanos (int) – Originate timevalue in integer number of nanoseconds
  • receiveNanos (int) – Receive timevalue in integer number of nanoseconds
  • transmitNanos (int) – Transmit timevalue in integer number of nanoseconds
  • originalOriginate (None or (int, int)) – Optional original encoding of the originate timevalue as (seconds, nanos). Overrides originateNanos if not None.

The originalOriginate parameter, if not None, overrides the originateNanos parameter.

Convert to and from a string containing the binary encoding of this message using the pack() method and unpack() class method.


(read/write int) Type of message. 0=request, 1=response, 2=response-with-followup, 3=followup


(read/write int) Precision encoded in log base 2 seconds between -128 and +127 inclusive. For example: -10 encodes a precision value of roughly 0.001 seconds.


(read/write int) Maximum frequency error in units of 1/256ths ppm. For example: 12800 encodes a max freq error of 50ppm.


(read/write int) Originate timevalue in integer number of nanoseconds


(read/write int) Receive timevalue in integer number of nanosecond


(read/write int) Transmit timevalue in integer number of nanosecond


(read/write None or (int, int)) Optional original encoding of the originate timevalue as (seconds, nanos). Overrides originateNanos when the message is packed if the value is not None.

TYPE_FOLLOWUP = 3[source]

Constant: Message type 3 “follow-up response”

TYPE_REQUEST = 0[source]

Constant: Message type 0 “request”

TYPE_RESPONSE = 1[source]

Constant: Message type 1 “response with no follow-up”


Constant: Message type 2 “response to be followed by a follow-up response”


Duplicate this wallclock message object

classmethod encodePrecision(precisionSecs)[source]

Convert a precision value in seconds to the format used in these messages


Get frequency error in ppm


Get precision value in fractions of a second


Pack wall clock message into binary representation.

Returns:String containing the wall clock message in final bitstream form.

Set freq error given a freq error represented as ppm


Set precision value given a precision represented as factions of a second

classmethod unpack(data)[source]

Class method that takes a string containing a wall clock message and unpacks it to a WCMessage object.

Parameters:data (str) – String containing binary representation of a Wall Clock message as received from a client or server.
Returns:WCMessage object representing the wall clock message.


class dvbcss.protocol.wc.Candidate(msg, nanosRx)[source]

This object represents a measurement “candidate” to be fed into a Wall Clock Client’s algorithm. It is calculated from a WCMessage received as a response from a Wall Clock server.

Initialisation takes the following parameters:

  • msg (WCMessage) – Response message received from server
  • nanosRx (int) – the time, in nanoseconds, at which it was received (from the server)

Pass in a received WallClockMessage that is a response and this will represent the candidate data derived from that request-response interaction.

Populates properties of this objects with the candidate information. t1, t2, t3 and t4 represent the times of message sending and receiving as shown below:


It also calculates and provides, as properties, the round-trip time (rtt) and clock offset estimate (offset) based on this measurement.

By default the data is preserved in nanoseconds. However you may use the toTicks() method to create a new version of the Candidate object using units of ticks matching a clock object you provide.

The exceptions are precision which is measured in seconds, and maximum frequency error which is measured in ppm

t1 = msg.originateNanos[source]

(read only) The time “t1” at which the request was sent in the request-response measurement (nanoseconds, or clock ticks)

t2 = msg.receiveNanos[source]

(read only) The time “t2” at which the request was received in the request-response measurement (nanoseconds, or clock ticks)

t3 = msg.transmitNanos[source]

(read only) The time “t3” at which the response was sent in the request-response measurement (nanoseconds, or clock ticks)

t4 = nanosRx[source]

(read only) The time “t4” at which the response was received in the request-response measurement (nanoseconds, or clock ticks)

offset = ((t3+t2)-(t4+t1))/2[source]

(read only) Server<->client clock offset (nanoseconds, or clock ticks)

rtt = (t4-t1)-(t3-t2)[source]

(read only) Round trip time (nanoseconds, or clock ticks)

isNanos = True[source]

(read only bool) True if this candidate object is in units of nanoseconds for t1, t2, t3, t4, offset and rtt

precision = msg.getPrecision()[source]

(read only) The precision reported by the server in its response (units of factions of a second)

maxFreqError = msg.getMaxFreqError()[source]

(read only) The maximum frequency error reported by the server in its response (units of ppm)

msg = WCMessage[source]

(read only WCMessage) The response message from which this candidate was derived


Returns a new Candidate object the same as this one but whose measurements have been converted to match the timescale of a clock.

t1, t2, t3, t4, rtt and offset of the returned object are converted to units of ticks matching the clock. But precision and maxFreqError remain unchanged.

Parameters:clock (dvbcss.clock) – Clock whose nanosToTicks() function will be used to create the new candidate object
Returns:a copy of this candidate where the units have been converted to ‘ticks’ according to the tick rate of the supplied clock.